Join us for a twist on our usual museum talk. Hear dramatic readings by Carol and Nicholas Bennett, historians from Lincoln Cathedral Library.
Marking 375 years since the execution of Charles I, these dramatic readings will bring to life the voices of this controversial king and his subjects. Whether you think the execution was a necessary evil or a tragic event – these contemporary accounts reveal a very human story.
From 26 January until 28 July 2024 a rare miniature of Charles I, with clear overlays showing scenes from his trial and execution, will be on show in our museum. It will sit alongside several objects relating to Charles I’s execution, including the pearl earring taken from his severed head.
Carol Bennett
Carol Bennett is a historian of art and architecture, who worked in adult education at Lincoln Cathedral Library.
Nicholas Bennett
Dr Nicholas Bennett is a medieval historian and was Cathedral Librarian and Vice Chancellor of Lincoln for 23 years.