What's On

Studio Discovery Days

Tours, talks, demonstrations and workshops
Selected dates in February + March

See how it’s made with the Harley Studio Artists. There’s something for everyone in our jam-packed programme of studio tours, demonstrations, talks and workshops.


Friday 21 February, Saturday 22 February, Friday 28 March, Saturday 29 March.

Free, drop-in to the museum between 10.30am – 3pm and see a range of artists demonstrating their skills (no booking required).

From painting conservators retouching a picture, to sculptors crafting models based on our historic paintings – there’s sure to be a demonstration to inspire you!

Download our events flyer to check which artists will be demonstrating on each date, and for more details of what you might see.

Booking information

This programme includes a mix of drop-in and pre-booked events.

Download our events flyer, or book below.